Why emapths can’t afford not to practice self-care

Self Care

* UPDATE * Empath & Amethyst is now Xo Tiffany Celeste

Because empaths have the beautiful ability to absorb and transmute the emotions and energy of other people, it is very vital to make sure you, as an empath, are practicing extreme self-care regularly, because we can often feel sensory overwhelm and compassion fatigue. The secret to an empaths well-being is to break the momentum of sensory overload before it consumes you.

As empaths we are known for our sensitive nature and the ability to connect on a soul level with others. We can sometimes give so much of ourselves to others until we feel completely depleted and emotionally exhausted. Becoming an empowered empath is the goal and practicing selfcare everyday allows us to come back to a space of balance, peace and soul rejuvenation. To stay grounded and balanced we should be prepared with an affective self-care practice so that we can live in alignment with our empath energy.   

Here are a just few of my best self-care tips for Empaths:

1.      Meditate- Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts and emotions. You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop concentration. People also use the practice to develop other beneficial habits and feelings, such as a positive mood and outlook, self-discipline and healthy sleep patterns.

2.      Journal- Writing accesses the left brain, which is analytical and rational. While your left brain is occupied, your right brain is free to create, intuit and feel. Writing removes mental blocks and allows you to use all of your brain power to better understand yourself, others and the world around you. Write down what you’re feeling, make to-do notes, bucket lists, gratitude lists and manifestation lists.

3.      Set Boundaries- A boundary is a fierce choice and enforcement of what you will no longer tolerate.

How to set a boundary:

a.  Decide—Getting really clear on what you are requesting from the other person.

b. Deliver—Ask them for a time to talk. Say what you need to say but with grace and kindness.

c. Enforce—Reiterate your boundary and follow through on it.

As an empath myself I am fierce about my own self-care and teach these principles to my clients in my signature coaching program The Glowing & Grounded Empath. I feel so strongly about teaching and supporting empaths to implement their own self-care practice because I know exactly what it’s like to go from emotionally and energetically drained to balanced, grounded and connected and self-care has lead the way for me to get there.

If you want to learn more about how you can create a balanced lifestyle and implement a regular self-care practice join me in The Glowing & Grounded Empath coaching program.


Tiffany Celeste

p.s.  Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and emotional balance? Dive deeper into your empathic abilities with our specially crafted tools: 

Click here to check out our collection of Empath Journals and our Empath Guidebook. 

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