Empaths, Love & Sex…And what you need to know (part 1)

In this 5 part series “Empaths, Love & Sex…And what you need to know”, I’ll be posting content about navigating through your romantic relationships as an empath and how to communicate authentically to build a strong foundation that is emotionall…

* UPDATE * Empath & Amethyst is now Xo Tiffany Celeste

Empaths, Love & Sex… And what you need to know!  (part 1)

🚨 Empaths, how often do you experience emotional overwhelm, energetic drain and special challenges in your romantic relationships?

How would you feel if you were loved and cared for the way you need it the most? What would it mean to you to have your needs met in your romantic relationships? How would you flourish in the right love relationship? 💘

 In this 5 part series “Empaths, Love & Sex…And what you need to know”, I’ll be posting content about navigating through your romantic relationships as an empath and how to communicate authentically to build a strong foundation that is emotionally aligned and energetically even with your partner.

As empaths I bet we all have experienced a wide range of challenging romantic relationships.  If you are currently in a relationship or have hopes of being in one, I just want to assure you that you are whole and complete as you are and in your own right. Desiring love is human nature and having love reciprocated back to us can make us feel incredibly energized and like we are on top of the world.

In order to get there though it all starts with self and being fully aware of your sensitives and loving who you are. Once you know who you are as an empath and how you maneuver through life with your empathic abilities you can then confidently communicate that to others. To flourish in intimate relationships, empaths must learn to communicate authentically and set clear boundaries so they can feel at ease and not emotionally overloaded in romantic relationships.

Here are a few ideas to think about for now and we will dive deeper later in the series "Empaths, Love & Sex…And what you need to know", but to start ask yourself:

1.       Am I being true to myself and what I need in my romantic relationships or am I playing small to keep the peace?

2.       Do I have a conflicted desire of wanting to be loved and wanting to be alone?

3.       Do you currently feel or have felt that your romantic relationship feels uneven and you give more than you receive?

4.       What would my ideal romantic relationship look like?

5.       What am I giving too much of and what am I not getting enough of?

I encourage you to journal out your response or drop them in the comments below and if you need to go deeper please feel free to shoot me a DM on IG.  

If you are currently in your ideal romantic relationship and everything is just as you need it to be, Please share your success tips in the comments below so we can learn and apply it to our own lives. As they say sharing is caring.


Tiffany Celeste 

p.s.  Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and emotional balance? Dive deeper into your empathic abilities with our specially crafted tools: 

Click here to check out our collection of Empath Journals and our Empath Guidebook. 

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