Empaths, Love & Sex…And what you need to know (part 2 )

In this 5 part series “Empaths, Love & Sex…And what you need to know”, I’ll be posting content about navigating through your romantic relationships as an empath and how to communicate authentically to build a strong foundation that is emotionall…

* UPDATE * Empath & Amethyst is now Xo Tiffany Celeste

Empaths, Love & Sex… And what you need to know! (part 2)

self-love/ˈˌself ˈləv/ noun  1. regard for one's own well-being and happiness.

We’ve heard it said before that before we can expect someone else to love us we must first love ourselves. I can’t emphasis enough how true that statement is.  How we treat and view ourselves sets the tone for how our romantic partners will treat us in return. (Except if you’ve had the unpleasant experience of dealing with a narcissist than the dynamic will be completely different and I will touch on that later on in this series; Empaths, Love & Sex… and what you need to know!

But Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve. When you love yourself you accept your so-called flaws and sensitivities and appreciate your empathic uniqueness as something that makes you who you are. When you love yourself you have compassion for yourself and you deserve the same compassion you so freely give to others.

Self-love is a journey. It takes dedication and patience with yourself.

See below for tips on how you can practice more self love.


What do you do to practice self-love?  I'd love to know!

Drop me a line in the comments below or shoot me an DM on IG.


Tiffany Celeste 

p.s.  Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and emotional balance? Dive deeper into your empathic abilities with our specially crafted tools: 

Click here to check out our collection of Empath Journals and our Empath Guidebook. 

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