Empaths, Love & Sex…And what you need to know (part 5)

In this 5 part series “Empaths, Love & Sex…And what you need to know”, I’ll be posting content about navigating through your romantic relationships as an empath and how to communicate authentically to build a strong foundation that is emotionall…

Empaths, Love & Sex… And what you need to know! (part 5)

Can we talk about sex? 😻 Sex can mean different things to different people but generally speaking “Sex” is an intimate sexual activity with another person. (Again, generally speaking) Sex is not only a physical exchange but also and energetic exchange as well. And for the purpose of our discussion, I’m going to focus on the energetic side of sex with another person. 

As empaths we have the unique ability to absorb into our bodies other peoples energy and emotions due to our heighten sensitivity to environmental stimulation. Because empaths have the beautiful ability to absorb and transmute the emotions and energy of other people, it is very important to make sure you, as an empath, are grounded and shielded when engaging in sexual activities.

Empaths love and sex

* UPDATE * Empath & Amethyst is now Xo Tiffany Celeste

Because empaths are so sensitive to energy we should be mindful of when and with whom we are engaging in a sexually activity with because during sex our energies combine. We can pick up both anxiety and joy from our sexual partner. Depending on the type of day that our sexual partner had we can absorb through sexual activity their stress, fear, or other toxic energy. And how that may show up for us as empaths is a sudden feeling of anxiety, depression or emotional overwhelm.

So, it maybe a good practice for you and your partner to check in with how you are feeling emotionally and to decompress before you have sex. But if sex is your way to decompress be sure to use an energy protection strategy such as Quieting your mind, slowing your breathes and focusing on the joy and pleasure of the sexual activity and then showering/bathing right after to cleanse the body and soul. There is so much healing power in water therapy.

Desiring sex is human nature and it should be fun and fulfilling and you get to define what it looks like for your life!!!!

Please feel free to leave questions/comments below, shoot me a DM on IG with any specific concerns or thoughts.


Tiffany Celeste

p.s.  Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and emotional balance? Dive deeper into your empathic abilities with our specially crafted tools: 

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