Self-care for the Self-aware = Part 1 (Wellness + Self-care)

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* UPDATE * Empath & Amethyst is now Xo Tiffany Celeste

Self-Care for the Self-Aware is my 3-part series where I’m dropping gems on a few best practices to break the emotional and sensory overload that we can experience as empaths and highly sensitive people. So, get comfy and keep reading as we dive into why as empaths we need to commit to a regular Wellness + Self-care practice.  

Part 1 – Wellness + Self-care 

So, what is an empath anyway, why do we feel so deeply and what can we do to not feel so drained?  

Simply put an empath is a person who can experience the thoughts, emotions, energy and direct experiences of others. We intuitively know what others are feeling and thinking. Empaths sense the emotions and energy of others as our own which makes us great friends, partners and healers. Because we are so empathetic and compassionate it can be easy for us to absorb the emotions of others and we can also feel the weight of the world into our own bodies.  

What can I say empaths (myself included) are like freakin emotional sponges. As, empaths we can absorb the energy around us and we instinctively want to take action and save those in need of help. We can often feel depleted by constantly overextending ourselves to the point of exhaustion. Which is why it is extremely important for empaths to take really great care of our emotional and physical well-being by; implementing a wellness + self-care routine, balancing our energy, managing our emotions and setting boundaries with ourselves and with others in order to bring us back into alignment and to release the emotional overwhelm.  

Self-care is a buzzword we hear a lot about these days. But, be honest girlfriend do you have a self-care practice beyond the occasional mani/pedi or bubble bath? 

 In essence self-care is really anything that we deliberately do (or refrain from doing) on a regular basis with our own well-being in mind. It’s truly just giving ourselves the same grace, compassion and care that we give to others.  

Once I made the commitment to have a morning and evening self-care practice I started to notice shifts in what and who I allowed into my energetic space. If someone’s energy was off I knew to gracefully remove myself from the situation. If I found myself in a “let me fix it for you mode” I would pause take a step back and allow them the opportunity to find solutions on their own without me feeling like I owed somebody something. Self-care brought me back to who I am and what my personal responsibilities are. 

Self-care gave me permission to feel good and put me first.  If saying yes to other people’s request felt like an over extension of my time and energy then I began to say no without feeling guilty. My hope is that you allow self-care to work for you too. A wellness + selfcare practice doesn’t have to be a long drawn out thing either because I know we’re all short on time.  10 minutes here, 5 minutes there can do wonders for you mentally, emotionally and physically.  

As empaths it is important for us to have a daily self-care practice to help us relieve emotional overwhelm and heighten our self-awareness in order to distinguish between which emotions and energies are ours and what belongs to others. The goal with self-care is to give ourselves permission to take action to care for our own needs so that we don’t burn-out and to also release what is no longer serving us.

 I feel so strongly about teaching and supporting empaths to implement their own self-care practice because I know exactly what it’s like to go from emotionally and energetically drained to balanced, grounded and connected and self-care has lead the way for me to get there. 

 Daily, Wellness + Selfcare practices enable you the empath to raise your energetic frequency so you can feel emotionally balanced and grounded.  Below are my top Empath Wellness + Self-care tips to serve your soul and bring you back to peace.


Self-Care for the Self Aware

Gratitude List

Keeping a Daily Gratitude Practice raises your vibration. By writing 3 things you’re grateful for everyday you can completely rewire your brain to be more positive and happier.

Self-Care for the Self Aware


Juicing is a quick way to change how you feel. One fresh juice, on an empty stomach, every day will start to give you more energy and improve your mood. And the variety of minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients and enzymes protect your cells from disease and premature aging. <—(Bonus) :)

Self-Care for the Self Aware

Relaxing Bath

Soak in a Epsom salt bath to clear the energy of the day and read your fav mag or book.

Self-Care for the Self Aware


Even for just 10 mins a day. Focus your attention on breathing or engage in your favorite meditation app or my meditation series.

Self-Care for the Self Aware


It’s important to get into a community of like-minded women who you can share life with and get the support and encouragement that you deserve.

Self-Care for the Self Aware

Unplug for 30min

Switch off all of your electronics and free yourself from Everything.

Self-Care for the Self Aware


Carrying or wearing grounding crystals, such as Hematite or Black Tourmaline, are perfect for protection. These stones not only help protect you from loud energy, they are also soothing to the emotions and help keep you grounded.

Self-Care for the Self Aware


Writing accesses the left brain, which is analytical and rational. While your left brain is occupied, your right brain is free to create, intuit and feel. Writing removes mental blocks and allows you to use all of your brain power to better understand yourself, others and the world around you. Write down what you’re feeling, make to-do notes, bucket lists, gratitude lists and manifestation lists.

Self-Care for the Self Aware


Affirmations are positive statements that can help you make positive changes when you repeat them often and believe in them. Try looking at positive affirmations this way: many of us do repetitive exercises to improve our physical health, and affirmations are like exercises for our mind and outlook. These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that, over time, we begin to feel, think – and act – differently.


Next, In Self-Care for the Self-Aware series Part 2, 

— We will be discussing Emotion & Energy Balancing …So, Stay tuned!!! 



Tiffany Celeste  

p.s.  Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and emotional balance? Dive deeper into your empathic abilities with our specially crafted tools: 

Click here to check out our collection of Empath Journals and our Empath Guidebook. 

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