Self-care for the Self-aware = Part 3 (Boundary Setting)

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* UPDATE * Empath & Amethyst is now Xo Tiffany Celeste

Hey love, welcome to the last installment of our 3-part series; Self-care for the Self-aware. In our finial topic we’re gonna dive into that not so sexy topic of setting boundaries.  


Today, we’ll learn how to leverage setting boundaries as the ultimate act of self-care. I promise I’ll make this quick, easy and very practical.   

All that a boundary is –is a line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line. Basically, just knowing where you end and someone or something else begins. As an empath setting boundaries is essential to maintaining a healthy life and healthy relationships. Boundaries are simply deciding what is okay for you and what is not and being able to confidently express and enforce your personal preferences.  Integrating boundaries into your way of being takes practice and commitment.

Start by asking yourself today is there something or someone currently in my life that I am tolerating that is not in alignment with my highest good. If the answer is yes, what next steps can you take today to address this issue and how will you continue to enforce this boundary. 

I know that as empaths we tend to feel guilty when saying “No” to people which leads us down that daunting road of people- pleasing and over-extending ourselves to the point of exhaustion. But you don’t have to live this way.  Just know that you can still look at another person and empathise from a place of true empathy and STILL have boundaries.

Knowing what your boundaries are is  really just having a strong since of self-awareness of knowing what is and what is not right for you.

You can alleviate  a lot of unnecessary stress and overwhelm, simply by asking yourself the following questions: 

  1. Is this what I want? 

  2. Is this request reasonable?  

  3. Do I have the time and mental capacity to honor this request? 

  4. Am I saying yes out of obligation or duty?  

If the answer is "No" to most of these questions than there is a strong possibility that the choice at hand may not be something that is in alignment with your best interest. 

Don’t be afraid to let other people know that you need space. Likewise, if someone crosses a line with you, then let them know. If something is clearly not right for you, then say so with grace and kindness but in some situations you may need to be a little bit more assertive and that's okay too. 

Boundaries and self-care go hand and hand because when you set boundaries for yourself and with others you are prioritizing your emotional, mental and physical needs over something that may not be right for you. 

And with my final notes I would like to share a few of my boundary self-care tips to help you take your power back and thrive. 


A boundary is a fierce choice and enforcement of what you will no longer tolerate

1. Decide—Getting really clear on what you are requesting from the other person.

2. Deliver—Ask them for a time to talk. Say what you need to say but with grace and kindness.

3. Enforce—Reiterate your boundary and follow through on it.

Self-care for the Self-aware


When you find yourself around people that consistently drain you. You need to either eliminate this person from your life, limit the time you spend with him or her, and/or set healthy boundaries.

Self-care for the Self-aware


Remember “No” is a complete sentence and you are not obligated to give further explanation.

crystals for empaths


Aquamarine - This stones energy is as soothing as it’s color and helps with calming anger and facilitating clear communication and gently helps you express your truth.

If you enjoyed this series please share with all the empaths, hsp’s and lightworkers in your life!


Tiffany Celeste

p.s.  Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and emotional balance? Dive deeper into your empathic abilities with our specially crafted tools: 

Click here to check out our collection of Empath Journals and our Empath Guidebook. 

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