As an empath setting boundaries is essential to maintaining a healthy life and healthy relationships.

empaths and  Boundaries


A boundary is a fierce choice and enforcement of what you will no longer tolerate

1. Decide—Getting really clear on what you are requesting from the other person.

2. Deliver—Ask them for a time to talk. Say what you need to say but with grace and kindness.

3. Enforce—Reiterate your boundary and follow through on it.

drained empath


When you find yourself around people that consistently drain you. You need to either eliminate this person from your life, limit the time you spend with him or her, and/or set healthy boundaries.

empaths say no


Remember “No” is a complete sentence and you are not obligated to give further explanation.

crystals for empaths


Aquamarine - This stones energy is as soothing as it’s color and helps with calming anger and facilitating clear communication and gently helps you express your truth.