Get clear on the difference between your true emotions and the emotions and energy you take on from others.

empath awareness


A key realization on the path to emotional awareness as an empath is to learn to distinguish what WE are feeling from what OTHERS are feeling.

3 things to considering when evaluating your emotions:

1. Determine if what you are feeling is your real issue or does it belong to someone else?

2. Ask yourself, Am I aware of my emotions as they arise, and the cause of those emotions?

3. What/Who are your emotional triggers and what boundaries can you put in place to protect your energy?

crystals for empaths


Carrying or wearing grounding crystals, such as Hematite or Black Tourmaline, are perfect for protection. These stones not only help protect you from loud energy, they are also soothing to the emotions and help keep you grounded.

empaths and chakras


Chakras are points within our physical bodies where energy flows through us. It is important to keep these energy points healthy and flowing openly. In Sanskrit, the word chakra literally means “spinning wheel or disk.”

Keeping your energetic body and chakras healthy leads to a stronger empath – one who is less susceptible to absorbing other peoples energy, better able to maintain balance, and can be more empowered.

body movement for empaths


Emotions are energy. Energy wants to move. When stuck emotions cause stress it’s the energy asking you to help it move.

Ways to move your body - Dance, exercise, yoga, running, swimming, sex and lifting weights just to name a few.