Hello Beautiful Soul
As an Empath I just want to let you know that you are not alone. Finding out you’re an empath can come with some relief, because it offers an explanation for the experiences and patterns you've likely been trying to figure out for years.
Empaths are truly gifted people in many ways. We are masters of reading body language and have no trouble reading people’s minds too. We intuitively know what others are feeling and thinking. It is a rare gift which makes us who we are – Empaths. We sense the emotions and energy of others as our own which makes us great listeners, problem-solvers and healers. While intensely feeling other people's emotions has its benefits — some people even consider being an empath akin to having a superpower because of our innate connections, intuition, we exemplify empathy and have a natural ability to heal and care for others.
...but what is the difference between having empathy and being an empath?
“Having empathy means our heart goes out to another person in joy or pain,” says Dr. Judith Orloff, author of the Empath’s Survival Guide. “But, for empaths, it goes much farther. We actually feel others’ emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in our own bodies without the usual defenses that most people have.”
“Empaths are typically born with this gift” according to author Stephanie Jameson, who writes in her book, The Happy Empaths Workbook. She goes on to explain a few interesting scientific explanations regarding the gifts and extra senses that empaths naturally have. I agree with her that it is important for empaths to understand the science behind their gifts, as it will help us to gain clarity and have a deeper understanding of how we process and absorb the emotions and energy of others as well as our own.
Jameson describes that being an empath is not something that is simply based on intuitive feelings, hunches, or impressions with no real basis or research; but there is a real science to this phenomenon. Scientist have discovered something called mirror neuron system.
The mirror neuron system is a group of cells that enable the ability to share another person’s emotions such as pain, fear, happiness, or excitement. Mirror neurons are triggered when an individual performs an action, and when that individual sees another person performing the same action, Scientists believe empaths seem to have very sensitive mirror neurons, causing the empath to deeply resonate with other people’s emotions.
She further explains in The Happy Empath’s Workbook, how Electromagnetic Fields, Emotional Contagion, Dopamine Sensitivity and Synesthesia are key dynamics that make up an Empath.
It’s been said that an estimated 2-4% of the population are empaths. Being an empath doesn’t end at just being connected to people. You can also have strong senses toward animals, the planet, nature and the weather.
There are 6 different types of empaths:
1. The Emotional Empath – Having a strong emotion sense and typically a sponge for other people’s energy and emotions. (most common)
2. The Physical Empath – You take on and feel the physical ailments of other people.
3. The Intuitive/Claircognizant Empath – Known for their keen sense of knowing that goes far beyond logic. May experience downloads from a higher spirit or dreams.
4. The Animal Empath – Has an extraordinary ability to understand and recognize the mental and emotional state of an animal. May prefer to be around animals instead of people.
5. The Plant Empath – A person that feels a close association with plants or flora species. Someone who can interpret the plants emotions and can communicate with them. May be affected by trees being cut down.
6. The Geomantic/Place Empath –A person who can tune into the earth and can sense a natural disaster or can attune to physical landscapes or environmental situations.
No matter where you fit into the spectrum you are here for a reason and your gifts are needed in this world. This platform was created because I want to live in a world where empaths are recognized for our special superpowers of selflessness and how we intuitively know what other people need and feel without any verbal communication. I want you to have all the support, all the best practices, tools and boundaries in place to center and protect yourself from the energies and emotions of others so you can become an empowered empath and live a beautiful life that is balanced, grounded and connected!